October 7, 2014

My first DDI No Barrier Tour


No Barrier Tour in Bali


Once in your life you will get an amazing experience.

This happened to me the 9th of September 2014. A friend of mine and CEO of DDI (Disabled Divers International) organized a DDI No Barrier Tour in Bali at Crystal Divers. He asked me to help to give disabled Indonesian persons a chance to feel how it feels to dive, to breath underwater.





October 11, 2014

Riet and Tom completed our DDI Pro course


Hi there!  This is Riet and Tom writing, two of the newest Disabled Divers International Instructors.  We recently completed our course with founder Flemming Thyge and new DDI Course Director Sander Buis at Oceans 5 Dive in wonderful Gili Air, Lombok, Indonesia.





October 16, 2014

No barrier tour H2O Lund Sweeden

After an initial meeting with the student, where we discussed possibilities and limitations for the student to scuba-dive, it was time to take the no barrier tour and a try scuba dive. When the student had gotten his medical approval we hit the pool.


