DDI booth 4229 at DEMA


12-13 SEPT. 2015



DDI is a DAN Corporate Partner

 DDI is a DAN corporate partner

DAN Parter ID "346432" 


DDI is EUF certified

DDI Certificate EUF CB 2011 003

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Only for DDI Proffessionals - contact [email protected]

DDI Catalunya Blog i Notícies - 02/10/2013 Exitosa participació a les Jornades Esportives de l'Institut Guttmann - Successful First Try Dive at Guttmann Institute

02/10/2013 Existosa Participació a les Jornades Esportives de l'Institut Guttmann


DDI Catalunya va participar a les Jornades Esportives de l'Institut Guttmann fent una inciació al busseig a la piscina del centre. Vam tenir pacients amb bones habilitats i que segons ens comenten els va agradar molt l'experiència. Va ser un èxit. Volem agraïr a l'Institut Guttmann la invitació a participar en aquestes Jornades Esportives tant interessants.


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02/10/2013 Successful participation on the Sport Day at Institute Guttmann


DDI Catalonia participated in the event Sport Day at the Guttmann Institute developing a try scuba diving program at the pool of the center. We had patients and very good skills who never trued before and they commented us it was fantastic for them. It was very successful. We would like to thank to Guttmann Institute for this invitation to participate in this interesting sportive day.


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DDI Catalonia