DDI booth 4229 at DEMA


12-13 SEPT. 2015



DDI is a DAN Corporate Partner

 DDI is a DAN corporate partner

DAN Parter ID "346432" 


DDI is EUF certified

DDI Certificate EUF CB 2011 003

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DDI Portugal recieves award

DDI Portugal recieves Recognition of Outstanding Achievements Award

DDI is very pleased to announce DDI Portugal recieves a DDI Award for outstanding achievement and support in 2010. DDI Portugal has had a very high activity level during the 2010 season, with many events, courses and new DDI members joining the family. The feedback DDI have been given by the members and the disabled divers them self are all very positive and excited about their work.

Paulo Guerreiro recieved the certifiate on behalf of DDI Portugal. Paulo Guerreiro said "It has been a pleasure working with DDI, we could not have done this with out the help of all our friends and family."