DDI booth 4229 at DEMA


12-13 SEPT. 2015



DDI is a DAN Corporate Partner

 DDI is a DAN corporate partner

DAN Parter ID "346432" 


DDI is EUF certified

DDI Certificate EUF CB 2011 003

DDI Login

Only for DDI Proffessionals - contact [email protected]

Pro-course in Denmark

No Barrier Tour arranged has just finished and another inspiring course in Holbæk, Denmark hosted by 55 North.

It was 3 great days with lots of fun and new friendships where made. We all learned new techniques and saw that it is the mind that sets the limit for what is possible.

One from the diving team made a very clever invention. A handle that is mounted on to the neck of the tank to help “control” a Paraplegia so that the person gets a better sense of freedom.

We are all very happy to have joined the DDI family and we hope to welcome other members very soon. Thanks to Flemming Thyge for a truly inspiring course.




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