Increasing availability of disabled diving worldwide

DDI President visits DDI Italy
June 7, 2018
Welcome Aimee to our staff!
April 22, 2019
DDI President visits DDI Italy
June 7, 2018
Welcome Aimee to our staff!
April 22, 2019

Increasing availability of disabled diving worldwide

DDI Director of Training Mark Slingo is currently in Asia, helping PADI to launch their new Adaptive Techniques Specialty Diver program.

This Specialty introduces PADI instructors and divers to the basics of working with diver’s with disabilities and is an introduction to the more comprehensive DDI Pro Training Course, which allows diver’s who cannot meet the full PADI performance requirements, to earn a DDI certification.

Training will take place in the Philippines, South Korea, Indonesia and China.

We are happy that we can help increase availability of disabled diving, within all diver training organizations and will continue any efforts to get more disabled people experiencing the wonders and the freedoms of the underwater world.


  1. Dana Šimsová says:

    Hi,it’s incredible what you are doing.please I have a question,you help with diving to people with mental handicap as well?Down syndrom,etc.?

    • Aimee Devoil says:

      Hi Dana, thankyou for your comments! DDI helps teach people with both physical and mental/learning disabilities. 8 students from Italy with DS got certified as Open Water Divers just last month. If you would like help locating a DDI Center or Instructor please drop us an email.

      Thanks, the DDI Team

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